
Fullmer Family Pictures 2013

While we were in California we had family pictures taken. Treag has a huge family and it's only getting bigger! Treagan is the youngest boy in his family, and second to the youngest born. He has two older brothers, Ben & Jake, and two older sisters, Carly, & Brittany, and one younger sister Tiara. I think this picture will be pretty accurate for at least another year or two, no one is prego that I know of at least!
Treagans parents 
Whitney, Carly & Jimmy
Hallie, James, & Savannah 
I love James face!
 Chad, Brynn, & Brittney
We love Brynn
Aubrey, Tre, Brooklyn, & Ben
Austin, Drew, & Talon
So many cute boys!
Treagan & Alison 
No babies for us :)
 Blake, Keaton, and Tiara
Jake, Lexi, & Summer

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