My birthday started out great! We woke up and went to breakfast at Panera Bread, I love that place! It was so yummy, best way to start off a birthday if you ask me. Right after breakfast though Treag had to hurry home and get ready for work. He was pretty excited about one gift though so he had me open it before he left. I was beyond excited too. He spoils me. Once Treag left for work I went and hung out with my friends at one of the malls down here. We spent the day shopping and then got a treat and headed home.
Treagan didn't get home until after 11 dang it, but he brought home pizza and doughnuts! It was a pretty fun idea of his with the candles and all. He sang me happy birthday and we ate some yummy doughnuts on national doughnut day! He's the sweetest. We opened up the rest of my gifts and then we went to bed because Treag had to be by 8 for work!